Wildflower and Nature Tours Perth
Wildflower, nature and wildlife tours Perth Western Australia
Welcome to Perth! We are blessed to live in the centre of a biodiversity hotspot. It is one of the world’s 34 internationally recognised biodiversity hotspots, which have more than 1500 endemic species of plant and have lost more than 70 per cent of their original habitat.
French scientists visited this area before the English and documented the flora and fauna that these days, people travel from all over the world to experience.
The spectacular Kings Park Wildflower Festival runs between Sept and Oct annually, however local flora is made up thousands of different species, meaning from May to November, there is a constant changing bed of colours.
Black Swans became to emblem for the area, and they can still be spotted in parks and gardens including Queens Gardens at the eastern end of downtown.
Kangaroos can be found on Heirisson Island, which is walkable from downtown. What other city in the world can say it has kangaroos in the city?