Perth Public Art
You may have heard that Perth has become a street art hotspot. It formally began back in 2014 when FORM, an independent, non-profit organisation based in Perth, brought more than 50 artists from around the world and along with local Australian talent, adorned 35 spaces and walls around Perth into urban canvases with the public able to view the work by these artists in motion.
The journey of creativity now includes the remote regions of Western Australia seven groups of 30-metre-high silos – in Northam, Ravensthorpe, Merredin, Katanning, Albany, Newdegate and Pingrup – have been adorned with gorgeous, colourful murals as part of the PUBLIC Silo trail.
It is possible to contribute to, create and build social and creative capital for Western Australia, and FORM are leading the way in doing this, with their inclusiveness and accessibility of their community-based arts programs. FORM bring art out to the people, and we all benefit from indigenous creative development, cultural infrastructure, and the public art there on the streets. No longer do we need to go to halls, galleries or theatres, art is now a living part of our landscape and the new urban art draws our attention to this.
Investing time and energy into exploring our own city and surroundings brings benefits to our community. People can be happy anywhere, but a person’s individual wellbeing is influenced by the community, in which they live.
On a Two Feet walking tour, you can discover some of the art in the laneways, streets, buildings and random places we explore.